revised at 2024.07.10
Breif Introduction
: 김준태 (Juntae Kim, a.k.a hellojuntae)
: South Korea (Republic of Korea)
: 21 (2003.03 ~)
Educational Background
- KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) (2022 ~, ungraduate student) -
- Major : Business and Technology Management
- Double Major : Computer Science
- Sunrin Internet High School - (2019 ~ 2021, graduate)
- Department of Information Security
Connact to
Achievements & Experiences
- 2019
- Best of the Best 8th, KITRI(한국정보기술연구원)
- Vulnerability Analysis Track
- Project - Multifunction printer vuln analysis and make security guide
- 2020
- SWU Information protection educational institute 7th, 서울여자대학교 정보보호영재원
- Hacking Readiness Process
- 2020 PoC Security HackingCamp Summer - IoT device vulnerability research about Multi Function Printer (Speaker)
- 2021
- 나는 국대다! 시즌2 정책공모전 - 국가 기관도 뚫린 사이버 보안에서 과연 우리는 안전할까? (제 20대 대선 10대 사례공약)
- 2023
- KAIST Syssec Lab, Ungraduated Reasearch Program -
- Security Analysis of SIMBox Infrastructure for Telecommunications Fraud
- 2024
Awards & Honors
- 2019
- 2nd, YISF CTF Final
- 1st, The Hacking Championship Junior Final -
1,000 USD
- 2nd, Christmas CTF -
1,000 USD
- 2020
- 3rd, TRUST CTF
- 1st, TokyoWesterns CTF -
Team D0$G
- 1st, SECCON CTF -
Team HangulSarang
- 1st, Cyberoc(사이버작전경연대회) -
10,000 USD
- 2nd, Google CTF final(Hackceler8) -
2,000 USD
- 1st, KERIS CTF final(정보보안 경진대회)
- 1st, JBU CTF
- 1st, The Hacking Championship Junior Final -
1,000 USD
- 2021
- 1st, ANU CTF -
500 USD
- 2nd, KOSPO 웹사이트 보안 경진대회 -
700 USD
- 1st, The hacking championship Junior Final -
1,000 USD
- 2nd, Whitehat Contest-
4,000 USD